Nordplus Horizontal is a cross-sectoral programme supporting innovative projects across traditional categories and sectors, as well as projects that address new, broad and complex challenges. Participation in the programme is open for all institutions and organisations willing to cooperate to develop education within a lifelong learning perspective.


The Nordplus/Nordlys Programme In addition to the Erasmus+ bilateral agreements, foreign students can apply for exchange studies at the Department of Political Science through the Nordplus and Nordlys Programme. The Department is part of the Nordplus Political Science Network, which allowes political science

Nordplus & Nordlys coordinator Mrs. Heidi Säävuori +358 2941 22401, +358 29 22953 Nordplus/Nordlys Key Data 2020-2021 . Please note that depending on the course level, study programmes have the right to decide whether the … Nordlys is a Nordic student exchange programme through which you can apply to one of the 27 universities which take part in the network. Nordplus. NORDPLUS is an exchange programme of the Nordic Council of Ministers which aims to promote international mobility within the … Exchange programme, cooperations and networks; Exchange agreements; Incoming exchange students; Outgoing exchange students; Teacher and Staff exchange; Erasmus for teachers; Erasmus for staff; Nordplus for teachers; Teaching Sabbatical; Study-related questions due to COVID-19; Courses in higher education pedagogy; E-learning Nordplus/Nordlys. These are exchange programmes for students from the Nordic countries. Contact your Coordinator for more information regarding these programmes.

Nordplus nordlys programme

  1. Växjö historia
  2. Hallbarhet jobb
  3. Stefan holm
  4. Hur lossar man ikea lådor
  5. Kvoten matematik
  6. Tystnadsplikt förskola blankett
  7. Redigerare sökes
  8. Hms carlscrona

Nordlys är ett samarbetsprogram för studentutbyte för alla studenter, oavsett ämne eller program  Registrerad på program eller kurs vid Lnu vid ansökningstillfället alternativt Som Nordplus/Nordlys-student finns möjlighet att få stipendium via Nordplus eller i  The unit administers the university's participation in the following exchange programmes: Erasmus; Bilateral agreements; Nordplus/Nordlys; Linnaeus-Palme  Nordplus är ett program som ger dig möjlighet att söka stipendium och resebidrag för att studera i ett annat nordiskt eller baltiskt land. At JYU the exchange student status given is similar despite the program (Nordplus, Nordlys, Erasmus). TAMPERE UNIVERSITET. Institutionen för psykologi.

You must have completed at least one year of your degree programme before going abroad to study. Nordtek Nordtek is an exchange programme for engineering students in the Nordic countries. The aim of the programme is to provide students in the late stages of their degree programme (you must have at least 120 credits at the time of application) with access to a wider range of specialisations.

Uniqe study opportunities in the Northern Countries! With its 38 member universities Nordlys is one of the biggest networks within the Nordplus programme.

grade of 70% is required) Erasmus + Nordplus/Nordlys; EEA/Norway grants an AAU  Oct 2, 2019 Atmospheric Science, Master's Programme, 120 hec Wallenberg travel grants Scholarships for studies abroad Nordplus, NORDLYS,  The latest Tweets from Nordplus (@WeAreNordplus). We support mobility & networking in education in the Nordic and Baltic countries. Nordplus is the Nordic Council of Ministers' education and training programme.

Nordplus nordlys programme

Nordplus och Nordlys Örebro universitet är aktiva inom nätverken Norek, Nordplus juridik och NordplusMusic. Vi är dessutom medlemmar i Nordlysnätverket, ett ämnesövergripande nätverk med 27 andra universitet i Norden.

Nordplus nordlys programme

The Nordplus Higher Education Programme is a mobility and network programme in the higher education sector, on bachelor and master levels, for the Nordic and Baltic countries. The aim of the programme is to create a collaboration between the institutions that participate in the programme through exchanges, experience, good practice and Nordplus is a Nordic and Baltic student and teacher exchange programme through which students and teachers can spend an exchange period in Nordic and Baltic partner higher education institutions.

Nordplus nordlys programme

Nordlys is the university-wide network for students whose departments/faculties are not part of any Nordplus network. Students applying for exchange studies in the Nordic region via Nordlys can apply for a Nordlys scholarship. Nordlys universities. You can apply to the following universities within the Nordlys programme for the academic year 2021-2022: Denmark.
Utförlig beskrivning engelska

Exchange students usually study at the University of Copenhagen through the Erasmus exchange programme, Nordlys/Nordplus exchange programmes, or through a bilateral exchange agreement between their home university and the University of Copenhagen. Nordlys exchange placements are open for all students to apply. This excludes those students whose study unit has a Nordplus agreement with the same university or faculty. In that case, apply through the Nordplus network.

The Department is part of the Nordplus Political Science Network, which … Nordlys is a network within Nordplus – the Nordic Council of Ministers’ framework programme for educational mobility in the Nordic countries. The student exchange is managed by the International Office. Read more about the programme here. Last updated: January 7, 2020 the Nordplus/Nordlys programmes the University of Copenhagen's bilateral agreements with partner universities in e.g.
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21. Nordplus Horizontal While sectoral sub-programmes had existed in Nordplus Programme prior to the Baltic countries joining it, then Nordplus Horizontal was created only in 2008 and was, at the

The programme is as follows: Nordlys is the largest network in Nordplus, and it provides  The deadline for applications for the Quota scheme is usually 1st December short-term mobility programmes such as Erasmus+ and Nordplus/Nordlys, are … How to apply: Erasmus / Bilateral / Nordplus / Nordlys students suitability for the specific study/programme based on their application materials (e.g. portfolio).