Weick's work is based in part on Festinger's theory of cognitive dissonance, which holds that people are uncomfortable with inconsistent beliefs and are driven resolve the dissonance it creates. Consequently, Sensemaking posits that people will resolve their cognitive dissonance through plausible (but not necessarily accurate) narratives, which then become entrenched over time and resistant to
Weick identified seven properties of sensemaking (Weick, 1995): Identity and identification is central – who people think they are in their context shapes what they enact and how they interpret events (Pratt, 2000; Currie & Brown, 2003; Weick, et al., 2005; Thurlow & Mills, 2009; Watson, 2009).; Retrospection provides the opportunity for sensemaking: the point of retrospection in time
Reflektion - utveckling (Giddens, 1984) Förändringsfokus - meningsskapande (Weick, 1995) Aktivitet av M Törner · 2016 · Citerat av 15 — att skilja det vettiga från nonsens, att inta andras perspektiv. (Weick, 1995, citerande Holsti, 1972). ▻ Stressade människor är inte bra på att I likhet med Weick. (1995) ser vi därför organisationen som en enhet uppbyggd av kommunikationsaktiviteter,.
Sensemaking in Organizations. Thousand Building on the work of Sutcliffe and Weick, 20023, some tips for Sensemaking include: seek many types and sources of data; involve others in your Wildavsky (1988) in political science, and Roberts (1990) and Weick (1987) in management. The special importance of learning in high-hazard organizations was recognized early in both the research and policy literatures (e.g. the investigation of Three Mile Island, Kemeny et al., 1979). As Weick (1987) Sensemaking theory argues that constructing such information into sensible accounts is driven by plausibility, but what makes something ‘plausible’ is worth re‐examining. Early work on sensemaking suggested that dissonance reduction contributed to perceived plausibility (Weick, 1995) but this notion remains understudied (Weick, 2020).
av J Lithner · 2016 — I kapitlet redogörs för de sju egenskaper som enligt. Weick (1995:18-62) utgör den meningsskapande processen. Under analysarbetet fann vi att Weicks teori av M Edman · 2012 · Citerat av 1 — mening (Weick 1995).
Sensemaking theory argues that constructing such information into sensible accounts is driven by plausibility, but what makes something ‘plausible’ is worth re‐examining. Early work on sensemaking suggested that dissonance reduction contributed to perceived plausibility (Weick, 1995) but this notion remains understudied (Weick, 2020).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 321 pp., $44.00 cloth, $19.95 paper Sensemaking scholars are less interested in the intricacies of planning than in the details of action (Weick, 1995, p. 55).
(Weick, 1995: 50). People favour plausibility over accuracy in accounts of events and contexts (Currie & Brown, 2003; Brown, 2005; Abolafia, 2010): "in an equivocal, postmodern world, infused with the politics of interpretation and conflicting interests and inhabited by people with multiple shifting identities, an obsession with accuracy seems fruitless, and not of much practical help, either
1995 mentioned and according to Weick, sensemaking consists of seven proper-. ties (Weick, 1995), see figure 1. Figure 1 The seven properties of sensemaking are av C Norling · 2016 — Weick (1995) menar vidare att den meningsskapande processen innefattar sju stycken principer: identitet, retrospektiv, handling, sociala interaktioner, pågående.
Vidare beskriver Weick (1995), att sensemaking kan leda till vissa negativa konsekvenser. Dessa kan kopplas till mindfulness då de kan tänkas motverkas av de
These outcomes are unsurprising because the communication activity is the organization.” (Weick, 1995, s. 75).
Lime gone
Karl Weick, the “father of sensemaking,” suggests that the term means simply “the making of sense” (Weick, 1995, p. 4). It is the process of “structuring the unknown” (Waterman, 1990, p. 41) by “placing stimuli into some kind of framework” that enables us “to comprehend, understand, explain, Some of the topics Weick thoroughly covers are the concept, uniqueness, historical roots, varieties and occasions, general properties, and the future of sensemaking research and practice. Expertly written, Sensemaking in Organizations is the volume that students, scholars, and professors of organization and management studies must have.
(Weick et al., 2005, p. 412) Sensemaking is focused on extracted cues (Weick, 1995, p. 49). Sensemaking involves labeling and categorizing to stabilize the streaming of experience (Weick et al., 2005, p.
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Karl E. Weick SAGE, May 31, 1995 - Business & Economics - 231 pages 2 Reviews The teaching of organization theory and the conduct of organizational research have been dominated by a focus on
March 1997 Scandinavian Journal of Management 13(1):113–116 In this landmark volume, Karl E Weick highlights how the 'sensemaking' process shapes organizational structure and behaviour.